Monday, January 2, 2012

I can't wrap my mind around political librals and Obamacare supporters.

Okay, this is going to sound more like a political rant rather than a post on magick, but I have recently come to the conclusion that I can't wrap my mind around this idea of spending more and more money from the government on social programs, or much of anything for that matter. I am a hardcore fiscal conservative.

I also dislike the fact that much of the "magical" community in particular the pagan community holds a lot of liberal values. They consider things like gay marriage to be more important than whether a poor person has to spend every last cent they have on "insurance" rather than things like a roof over their head and food on the table.

Actually, I was fairly fiscally liberal (and socially liberal) up until sometime when I became a teenager. I remember in elementary school, right up in sixth grade thinking the government should spend more money on social programs. By the time I got to be old enough to vote, my views had changed. I no longer felt that it was okay for the government to take money from me and my family spend it on other people.

I am somewhat indifferent on the social issues. Some pagans cite the threat of a theocracy, but in this country (the USA) we have a plurality of religions where no one religion holds the majority.  I doubt people would go for the idea of the theocratic state when most Christian religions don't even agree with each other.  Abortion is not a concern for me.  I am getting to the age where my biological clock is ticking down, so no matter the circumstances, I would welcome a baby. Furthermore, many woman have been presured to get abortions they probably did not want, or had them purely for monitary reasons. Being a monogamous married hetrosexual woman, gay marriage is not something that directly effects me.  Given the STD's out there, I can not see that having sex with multiple causal partners to be very wise.  It seems rather reckless for little to no payback. 

The Obama health care law is the worst of the pack.  Instead of merely taking our money and wasting it on government programs, we are now forced to pay corrupt companies just because we happen to be alive.  I deeply regret ever voting for him in the general election, but at the time I justified it because Mccain supported the same health care plan and on top of that wanted to draft people.  Maybe if Mccain had won the democrat majority congress would have blocked his law, maybe not.  This time around it looks like Ron Paul has a shot at the republican nomination, and maybe even the presidency.  But regardless, I am not voting for Obama again.

Now the economy is in the garbage pail and in spite of looking for work for over 3 years my husband still has not found a job. Yes, I did consider doing magick in that regard, but I have decided against it for personal reasons.  I've also done plenty of divination about work searching for myself and have gotten some pretty negative responses.  I know better than to pursue such things.  

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