Friday, July 6, 2012

So called HGA Dangers

Recently I read a few blogs about the hga, jow's blog seems to say that why would anyone seek the HGA when it can completely mess up your life.  RO.'s blog seems to say getting it touch with the HGA can do wonders and thunders, so to speak. Then I read Mikes blog, about how he went to jail, and then, finally got in touch with the HGA, and finally, Jason Miller's blog where he goes on about people should really put the operation off until they either have no kids to take care of, or before they have the family with kids, cause, you know, it can mess up your life.

I'm going to say me own two cents now, for what its worth.  I don't think people, just, normal people walking down the street suddenly decided to make the ascetic lifestyle choices leading up to the HGA contact.  Why give up time with friends, pointless socializing, tv shows, mindless entertainment etc, in order to get in touch with some spirit?  What is to gain by seeking spiritual attainment, or even greater worldly attainments when you already have almost everything you could want?

Well, I don't think perfectly satisfied happy people get some whim to go through this ordeal, just for fun, you know, cause they got bored with their favorite video game or something. I think it takes a certain kind of person to want to pursue such a thing in the first place, the kind of person who isn't easily content or satisfied, because if they are, why would they bother with all of that stuff.

So, I do respect the idea that some people won't feel the need to pursue it and go through the ordeal.  Some people just don't like ordeals, they are happy playing some game, oh, look, I got to the bottom of a dungeon in some video game, cause they just don't care what a real hell is like and they don't want to know, really, what it is like.

Secondly, I don't think the HGA, and contact with the HGA, is all that. Everyone seems to be rather vague about the whole experience, are you supposed to see some ghost floating in midair telling you stuff? Is it actually supposed to speak with you as a voice outside yourself, is it supposed to feel like an orgasm, a higher forum or orgasm, not the kind like when you are just experiencing physical stimulation.  Maybe the reason no one ever gives these details is because it is about yourself, the real you, not what you think you are, or what other people say you should be. The whole concept is shrouded in mystery, that from time to time I have doubts myself whether I have made any contact, whether I am I anywhere near in the ballpark of contact.  The only thing I can say, is I suppose if I were getting to far off track all kinds of awful things would be happening to me that I would have no way to stop, so I'm just assuming I am doing something right.

This brings me to my third point.  What I believe would happen if I got farther away from my HGA than anyone ever should.  Mike's account of going to jail drives the point strait home. There are things out there, urges, twisted desires and drives.  As you make yourself ignore the angel more and more, whether for the sake of other people, or the sake of mere temporary pleasures, you may find yourself feeling compelled to do things that aren't quite right, and getting yourself involved in potentially life damaging situations.  You may find yourself drawn into they types of activities that could lead to you going to jail.

Lastly, this brings me to my final point.  What Jason said here, that implied that one should not necessarily endanger ones family relationships in pursuit of the HGA.  He points out what happened to a couple of acquaintances of his.  The point, being, since he probably did not know them that well, there is doubt he had clear knowledge of their inner state.  No matter how much one has in life, no matter how much one appears to be happy, the reality can be something entirely different.  It is better to be alienated from a parent than lose them completely.  At least their father is still alive, who is to say what horrible things might have happened had he not chosen to pursue the work. 

I don't believe one chooses to pursue the great work, I believe the great work chooses to pursue you, until there is nothing you can do or say to not face up to the fact of it staring you in the face, and proving itself to be more powerful than your petty desires, mundane concerns, or relationships.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Why I choose my nickname

At the time I started this blog, I was going through a really strange experience. I felt waves of depression sometimes. I could not think straight and felt tired most of the time. My pupils were dilated like I was on drugs, even though I never started getting high or doing drugs.  I could not seem to make it go away, or get myself back to a normal state for quite sometime.  Even though I hated the way I felt, I dared not see a doctor about it.  My husband had recently lost his job, and of course in my state, I could not make much effort in the job search department.
Eventually, I returned to "normal" whatever that means, so now I am as productive as if I ever was, and I no longer feel all spaced out, constantly over tired, or continuously overwhelmed with emotion.

At the time I started getting intrested in the occult, I was tempted to claim something like being 8=3 or something about crossing the abyss, but quickly realized that people would think I was just on an ego trip, so I shut up about it.

I first got involved after I had an experience in the Roman Catholic church praying against the current. I felt a wave of joy overpower me when I did this, and It felt really intense.  I felt I did not have the information to deal with the experience, so I started to reseach Satanism on the internet.  From there I got involved with Thelema, and the whole idea of "Do what thou will shall be the whole of the law."

It came down to the realization that I had let others dictate too much of what I should be doing, and not always listening to myself, ignoring my own feelings to do the things that others said they wanted.

Sometimes I wish I would have choose a different nickname, but I could not think of anything better at the time.

Monday, January 2, 2012

I can't wrap my mind around political librals and Obamacare supporters.

Okay, this is going to sound more like a political rant rather than a post on magick, but I have recently come to the conclusion that I can't wrap my mind around this idea of spending more and more money from the government on social programs, or much of anything for that matter. I am a hardcore fiscal conservative.

I also dislike the fact that much of the "magical" community in particular the pagan community holds a lot of liberal values. They consider things like gay marriage to be more important than whether a poor person has to spend every last cent they have on "insurance" rather than things like a roof over their head and food on the table.

Actually, I was fairly fiscally liberal (and socially liberal) up until sometime when I became a teenager. I remember in elementary school, right up in sixth grade thinking the government should spend more money on social programs. By the time I got to be old enough to vote, my views had changed. I no longer felt that it was okay for the government to take money from me and my family spend it on other people.

I am somewhat indifferent on the social issues. Some pagans cite the threat of a theocracy, but in this country (the USA) we have a plurality of religions where no one religion holds the majority.  I doubt people would go for the idea of the theocratic state when most Christian religions don't even agree with each other.  Abortion is not a concern for me.  I am getting to the age where my biological clock is ticking down, so no matter the circumstances, I would welcome a baby. Furthermore, many woman have been presured to get abortions they probably did not want, or had them purely for monitary reasons. Being a monogamous married hetrosexual woman, gay marriage is not something that directly effects me.  Given the STD's out there, I can not see that having sex with multiple causal partners to be very wise.  It seems rather reckless for little to no payback. 

The Obama health care law is the worst of the pack.  Instead of merely taking our money and wasting it on government programs, we are now forced to pay corrupt companies just because we happen to be alive.  I deeply regret ever voting for him in the general election, but at the time I justified it because Mccain supported the same health care plan and on top of that wanted to draft people.  Maybe if Mccain had won the democrat majority congress would have blocked his law, maybe not.  This time around it looks like Ron Paul has a shot at the republican nomination, and maybe even the presidency.  But regardless, I am not voting for Obama again.

Now the economy is in the garbage pail and in spite of looking for work for over 3 years my husband still has not found a job. Yes, I did consider doing magick in that regard, but I have decided against it for personal reasons.  I've also done plenty of divination about work searching for myself and have gotten some pretty negative responses.  I know better than to pursue such things.